It Is Time For Us All To Wake Up…

Toronto is being doused with the wonderful world of snow and we really cannot complain at all this year about it as I think this is only the 3rd or 4th day we have actually had it this year there is something to be said for the way people react to it.

For some, it is like the sky is literally falling on them and they cannot function until it is all gone.

Others are unable to operate motor vehicles and better yet do not know that they are unable to properly operate a motor vehicle and venture out anyway.

For most people though, we are able to function fully and are not stopped by the white stuff. Although we may not be fully present to what others are dealing with when the snow falls. (or really what others are dealing with at any time!)

Growing up in the prairies and then moving out east was an adventure in itself but then adding how people, still all from Canada, react to a snowfall is quite a sight to watch play out.

By the time I was done driving yesterday, I really needed a good workout to work out all the nervous energy that built up in me while watching people cut people off on the road, pedestrians almost hit by people who just wouldn’t slow down at the light and the one that had me honking my horn and losing it was people not even stopping, just driving right by a school bus that had the lights flashing and stop sign out.

Shame on you.  

There is NO WHERE you need to get to so bad that you are given permission to drive past a school bus with its lights and stop sign out nor to run that yellow to red light and cause an accident.  If you were allowed to do that then you would have called for a police escort.  I have their number, I can call for you if you like. Not joking, I would be happy to call the police for YOU!

I see that today’s blog has become a little bit of a rant and I am okay with that.

The purpose of my message today is for everyone, including me, to look at what you are NOT present to.  Is it the person in the cross walk? The stopped school bus? The woman trying to push a stroller through the snow?

Get present to others and you will begin to see how you can make a difference for them.  Making a difference does not mean digging into your pockets for money either. It means stopping the car BEFORE the light turns red, waiting behind the school bus, offering to help the lady with the stroller to get through the snow just to name a few.

This past Saturday I was on my way to a class and saw my neighbor walking and it was -23 out.  I figured she was headed to catch a bus.  I offered her a ride to the nearest subway station so she didn’t need to stand in the cold.  She was so grateful.

Many times, if you really look, the good deed you can do to support someone else doesn’t even interrupt what it is that you need to get done.  You need to LOOK though and be PRESENT to it and be OUT THERE with people and not stuck in your own agenda.

In a world filled with devastation happening, BE THE ONE to bring a flicker of light, a smile, a moment to remember to those you know and those you don’t.

Don’t be a part of the problem….BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION!

Be safe out there today. I love you.

Do you need to work out your stresses to be present?  Contact me for our Zumba Fitness schedule?  Are you struggling to maintain relationships and are stuck in your head alot about your own issues?  Contact me to set up a coaching call:


Published by liveoutloudmovement

We are the FIRST movement providers designed specifically to cater to schools, hospitals, businesses that our primary goal is to provide stress relief and compassion to our clients. Our programs are specifically designed to create community fun and play in high stress work environments.

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