No Zumba Wednesday March 21, 2018

Hi Ladies,

This is a friendly reminder that there is no zumba class at 6:45 pm this week.

It is kind of for a pretty cool reason and I want to share with you! My best friend all the way back from Grade 5 (and let’s pretend I just graduated from high school like a year ago…lol) has flown out to Toronto from Saskatchewan and we are getting together to catch up AND to go to the P!ink concert! (Ok…so it’s more like a 15+ year since we have seen each other reunion…so exciting!!)

That is a pretty sweet, once in a lifetime kind of night! 🙂

Thank you so much to all of you that I have already spoke to about this cancellation and your understanding.  Please be sure to dance at home this Wednesday and if you can, come out on Thursday at 7:00pm for Zumba Core fun!!

All other classes are on except this Wednesday.

Much love and appreciation for you all!




Published by liveoutloudmovement

We are the FIRST movement providers designed specifically to cater to schools, hospitals, businesses that our primary goal is to provide stress relief and compassion to our clients. Our programs are specifically designed to create community fun and play in high stress work environments.

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