The Challenge!

Have you ever gotten on the subway or bus and noticed how unhappy some people look?

Have you ever tried to make them smile by catching their attention?

I often do this. See, the thing is, you may be the only person who casts a smile their way in the day. You may be “the one” who shifts everything for them just by seeing that you notice them and they are not invisible.

As humans, and especially in a technologically advanced world now, we tend to find ways to check out, not have human interactions.  When I first moved to Toronto and would get on a bus, streetcar or subway, I would immediately greet whoever I sat beside with a big “hello!”….I noticed the reactions….some would smile back and greet me, some would change seats, some would say “you are not from here, are you?”  How ever they reacted was fine with me.

Making a difference for others through human interaction that are pleasant is one of the most basic ways to make a difference in the life of another.  Today, put down your phone when out in public, take out those ear buds. Reconnect with people!

You can come to zumba later and we will crank the music then and you can tune out the world! LOL! Well, not really, cuz we are gonna laugh and play and have fun together! 😉

See how powerful you are today by making the difference for another person! Try it out! I challenge YOU!


Published by liveoutloudmovement

We are the FIRST movement providers designed specifically to cater to schools, hospitals, businesses that our primary goal is to provide stress relief and compassion to our clients. Our programs are specifically designed to create community fun and play in high stress work environments.

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